A large, very overdue update

This project has evolved into something larger than I ever thought it would- senior thesis! For my senior thesis, I will be creating production ready assets and general game/concept art all about my alpaca backpacking through a Malaysian/Penang inspired environment.

Screen Shot 2017-09-20 at 3.57.48 PMI was really struggling with the forest/jungle environment in the beginning. On the left is my initial attempt at a tree. I realised after a long while that I was too in my head, and following reality too closely- so I let loose a little and I love the result!

Screen Shot 2017-09-29 at 9.30.14 AMExperimenting with different types of trees- will be doing many more experiments.

Screen Shot 2017-09-29 at 9.30.03 AMWhat the entire scene/level might look like. It’s pretty basic, but as of right now, I’m not concerned with level design or game design- only the art and visuals.

Screen Shot 2017-09-29 at 9.31.27 AMMy Penang houses got a little revision- added some floor and perspective! Before, it used to be a “true” side scroller, where only the side view of objects/characters can be seen. But by adding a floor, I think it gives the look of the game an extra dimension that’s more interesting and dynamic.

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WIP of the marketplace building. Directly referenced from an actual marketplace in Penang. (photo below) I’m not entirely sure how I feel about the perspective lines. I want that extra depth, but I suspect that its far too difficult for me to have dynamic shifting perspective when I won’t be doing any programming at all. I may try to make it more River City Ransom like, or keep it closer to something like isometric (but not exactly isometric).

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Still trying to figure out if I’m going to keep the floating rock thing.

sketchInitial bow and arrow attack sketch for my alpaca.

bowandarrowComplete(ish)! Think I might add some bounce to the top of the hair and ears. Also maybe a bit of squash in the neck? Also going to design some fancier bows for this guy.


Ditched the sword and shield for the cleaver and pot lid!


Initial sketch of run cycleoutline

Outline of run cycle- will be adding some squash and stretch and bounce!

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Some potential characters that you fight. On the left, a slice of kaya toast. Kaya is a beloved Malaysian “jam” made out of coconuts and duck eggs. On the right, a boiled egg? Not too partial to this guy, he feels really boring to me.  jumpsketch

Toast jump!



// rainbowapplepie

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